The look of our body can make a strong first impression. Because of this, many people experience numerous body issues and insecurities. The abdominal area is often seen as the most problematic region. Many are concerned about bloating, sagging, and loose skin in this area, especially when tight-fitting clothes are involved.

The tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a plastic surgery procedure that is able to make a patient’s tummy look thinner, firmer, and in better shape.

What Is the Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that helps tighten and reshape the area around the abdomen, helping to achieve a more appealing appearance. A flat and firm tummy can boost confidence and noticeably improve the fit and look of clothing, making the patient feel more comfortable.

During the procedure, the surgeon removes the excess skin and fat that sag from the abdominal region, correcting the protruding belly. The abdominal muscles are also tightened to make the abdomen look even better.

This procedure is popular with both men and women, especially those who have seen their body undergo intense changes as a result of pregnancy, weight loss, or weight gain.

Eligible Patients

If you feel that any of the following are applicable to you, a tummy tuck is a choice to consider:

• An abdomen that bulges
• A sagging or stretched abdomen following pregnancy
• Overhanging sides, also called love handles
• A belly that is not in proper proportion to the rest of your body

The procedure can give you a flatter, firmer, and more toned abdomen.

Preparations for a Tummy Tuck

Before you go ahead with the tummy tuck procedure, make sure to consult with an experienced surgeon for all the details regarding the procedure. To be eligible for the procedure, it is important that you meet the following requirements:

• Have a physical exam performed on the abdominal area.
• Have realistic and reasonable expectations for the procedure and the outcome.
• Maintain a stable weight for at least 12 months before the procedure.
• Avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements.
• Avoid smoking.

After you have decided to undergo the procedure, the doctor will review your medical history to learn about any allergies and weight gain/loss. The doctor will also take pictures of your abdomen.

Types of Tummy Tucks

No tummy tuck patient shares the exact same goals as any other patient, as all bodies are unique and different. Because of this, the same method will not help achieve equivalent results in every patient.

The type of tummy tuck that is right for you can be chosen after a discussion with your surgeon, who will help you decide. Each type involves making an incision in the area and removing excess skin and fat and tightening the loose muscles.

Classic, or Full, Tummy Tuck: This type aims at removing excess fat and skin from the areas above and below the belly button. This type yields the most comprehensive results. It creates a flatter, more toned, and smoother abdomen and can remove stretch marks. It helps to create a more flattering fit for all kinds of clothes, from pants to skirts to dresses.

Mini Tummy Tuck: This type targets the area under the belly button where the skin is loose and there are prominent stretch marks. This is a shorter and less invasive procedure than the full tummy tuck. This type ensures a faster recovery and focuses on creating a flatter, slimmer lower abdomen that makes the body look great in bathing suits and tight clothes.

Recovery After a Tummy Tuck

After the surgery, you may notice common temporary side-effects such as soreness and slight discomfort in the first week. Your surgeon will encourage you to walk around to maintain healthy circulation. Also, depending on the physical demands of your job, you will be able to return to work within two to four weeks.

Set Up Your Appointment to Learn More

Pay a visit to London Bridge Plastic Surgery for a consultation to find out more about the tummy tuck and what it can do for you. Schedule your consultation today – contact our office for an appointment.