020 4583 0872

54 Wimpole St, Marylebone, London W1G 8YJ

Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast Reduction At A Glance

At our world-renowned practice in London, breast reduction surgery (Sometimes referred to as Mammoplasty) is a common Plastic Surgery Procedure to reduce the size of large, big breasts for those who wish to feel more comfortable and achieve more desirable body proportions. Breast size is not the only concern when carrying out Breast Reduction Surgery, at London Bridge Plastic Surgery our 20 years of breast surgery expertise ensures that you achieve the breast shape and size you desire in a safe, comfortable procedure while minimising surgical scars as much as possible.

Potential Issues Caused by Large Breasts

Disproportionately large breasts can be the source of a number of aesthetic, physical, and quality of life issues. For many women, large breasts can make it difficult to find clothing that fits properly which significantly narrows down their fashion choices. Large breasts can draw unwanted attention from others and can make it difficult to do normal tasks like jogging and exercising.

Large breasts can also be the source of muscle and joint pain for a lot of women. This chronic pain can interfere with daily activities and can have a noticeable negative impact on a person’s quality of life. The weight of the breasts can place a strain on areas like the:

  • Back
  • Neck
  • Shoulders

What to Expect from your Breast Reduction

While the main goal of the procedure is to reduce the size of the breasts, the shape, position, and overall appearance of the breasts are important aspects of the procedure. Plastic and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Christopher Inglefield formulates a personalized procedure plan for each patient based on their aesthetic goals for the procedure. Often, a breast reduction and lift is performed to address sagging so that the breasts have a perky and youthful shape and appearance. Areola reduction may also be performed in some cases.

Breast Reduction FAQ’s
  • What is Breast Reduction Surgery?
    Our London Breast Reduction is a Plastic, Cosmetic Surgery procedure performed to reduce the size, reshape and lift a woman’s breast(s) by removing excess fat, breast tissue, and skin and lifting the nipple, to achieve a natural aesthetic appearance.
  • What are the benefits of Breast Reduction Surgery?
    Breast Reduction Surgery is performed to reduce the size of the breast in a woman who feels that her breasts are too large. Surgery is frequently performed to relieve symptoms of neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, and soreness under the large breasts. Breast Reduction can reduce the size and reshape the breasts following pregnancy and breastfeeding, or following weight loss. Breast Reduction can be carried out to improve symmetry and shape where there is a difference in breast size and or shape. The improvement in Breast size and shape (more natural and youthful) can boost your self-confidence and enable you to wear the clothes you wish.
  • What are the risks of Breast Reduction Surgery?
    Common to all surgical procedures there are always risks associated with breast surgery. However, Breast Reduction is a very safe procedure if performed by a fully qualified and trained Plastic / Cosmetic Surgeon in Hospitals with a high standard of care. The common risks are bleeding inside the breast (less than 0.1%), infection (less than 0.1%) and poor nipple healing/loss (less than 1%), fat necrosis – hardening ( less than 1%). Each of these risks may require revision surgery and at LBPS the cost of any revision surgery will be covered for the first year. Other risks that may occur are; loss of nipple sensation, poor scars, asymmetry of the breasts. DVT is a risk with Breast Reduction surgery, however, we follow the NICE Guidelines to minimise this risk before, during, and after your surgery.
  • What is the cost of Breast Reduction in London?
    The cost for Breast Reduction in London starts from £7200, which may vary depending on your individual case, and includes your pre-operative and post-operative care. You will be provided with a detailed quotation following your Consultation. Please read more about our Fees at LBPS
  • What about the scars following Breast Reduction Surgery?
    Unfortunately, it is necessary to have a scar as a result of Breast Reduction, but every effort is made to minimize the scars and ensure that these are as inconspicuous as possible. The goal is to achieve scars that are as short as possible for the safe performance of the surgery, and which, once fully healed are barely visible. The scars are placed around the nipple with additional scars down from the nipple to the crease under the breast with or without a scar in the crease. The optimum scars for you will depend on your size, breast shape/drooping, and desired cup size and shape following your Breast Reduction surgery. We provide scar care and support for you during the healing process and up to 1 year after to ensure that your scars are as good as possible.
  • What about the results of Breast Reduction Surgery?
    The results are first and foremost natural. The goals of Breast Reduction surgery are to reduce the size, reshape and lift your breasts to achieve a natural aesthetic appearance. With over 20 years of breast surgery expertise at LBPS, we can assure you of the very highest standard of care before, during, and after your Breast Reduction surgery. The result should boost your self-confidence; allow you to wear the clothes you wish and feel comfortable.
  • What are my options for the type of Breast Reduction Surgery?
    Various types of Breast Reduction techniques are available and the optimum procedure for you will depend on your goals and existing size, shape, and drooping. The significant factors are your initial breast size, degree of drooping, and skin elasticity, which determine the technique which is optimum for you in order to achieve the best aesthetic natural result while minimising the scars.
  • Do I need a mammogram before my Breast Reduction Surgery?
    Our guidelines are that any woman over the age of 40 should have a mammogram before any breast surgery including Breast Reduction. Under the age of 40, no screening is necessary if there is not a family history of Breast Cancer or other cancers. A screening mammogram can be arranged for you at the time of your consultation if required.
  • Will I be able to breastfeed after Breast Reduction Surgery?
    With the current techniques used for Breast Reduction surgery, most patients retain the ability to breastfeed. However, you should be aware that if you have never breastfed, there is a significant chance that you may not be able to breastfeed naturally even before your surgery.
  • Does Breast Reduction Surgery require a general anaesthetic or hospitalisation?
    Breast Reduction surgery is performed under general anaesthetic or twilight, commonly as a day-case or overnight procedure.
  • How long is the procedure?
    Breast Reduction surgery normally takes approximately 2 to 3 hours to perform depending on your initial size and shape.
  • Will drains be used at the time of Breast Reduction Surgery?
    The use of drains (thin tubes from each breast) is a hotly debated topic in Breast Reduction surgery. At LBPS, we believe that any blood or fluid in the breast leads to inflammation and scarring with a longer healing time. Therefore, drains will be placed at the time of your Breast Reduction surgery. These will be removed before you leave Hospital.
  • How long is the recovery time?
    Moderate pain/discomfort are expected for 3 – 5 days. Patients can go back to their normal daily activities after 2 weeks, but avoid strenuous exercise/activity for 6 weeks. It will be necessary to wear a support bra for the first 6 weeks, day and night, and the second 6 weeks during the day. The majority of swelling will resolve in 2 – 3 weeks but it will take up to 3 months for the breast to return to normal feel.
  • Am I the ideal patient for Breast Reduction Surgery?
    If you would like to improve your breast shape and size and have been concerned by this for a long time, do not have any breast disease or serious medical conditions, and desire to achieve more balanced proportions and comfort, then Breast Reduction is likely to be suitable for you.
  • What reassurance do I have with Breast Reduction Surgery?
    At LBPS, we understand that Breast Reduction surgery is an important and daunting decision for you and we aim to support you before, during, and long after your surgery. Right from your first contact through to your 1-year follow-up visit, we will provide you with the highest standard of care.
  • How long do the results of Breast Reduction Surgery last?
    The results of Breast Reduction surgery are expected to be long-lasting using the current techniques. However, you should be aware that in some circumstances, your breasts may enlarge further and necessitate a further reduction operation. The common situations where this may exist are; pregnancy, contraceptive pill, and overweight.
  • Is there an alternative to Breast Reduction?
    A small number of younger women may benefit from liposuction of the breasts only as a technique to reduce the size of their breasts by a modest amount (1 – 1 ½ cup size). The ideal woman has good skin elasticity, moderate breast enlargement, and wants to avoid scarring on the breast.
  • Why have Breast Reduction Surgery to reduce Large Breasts?

    ✔ Many women with large breasts, feel uncomfortable with the size compared to the rest of their physique. Breast reduction surgery means that the breasts if very large can be reduced to be in proportion to the rest of the body.

    ✔ There are often times where large breasts can cause physical discomfort. Breast reduction surgery can alleviate neck, back, or shoulder pain commonly associated with large breasts.

    ✔ The psychological trauma of having large breasts is another reason why many undergo breast reduction surgery. Women after surgery often say their self-esteem and confidence improve as they are less conscious of their breasts.

    ✔ If breast sizes differ then breast reduction surgery can help to equalise the difference and provide a more uniform and symmetrical appearance.

    ✔ Some women may need breast reduction surgery to correct a previous breast surgery procedure. At LBPS our surgeon Mr. Christopher Inglefield can advise on how best to proceed in this area and minimise scars with our scar revision surgery treatments.

Schedule a Consultation for Your Breast Reduction

If you are experiencing issues due to the large size of your breasts, contact London Bridge Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation for your breast reduction procedure. During your consultation, you will be able to explain what your reasons for undergoing breast reduction are and what your desired results are for the procedure. The consultation is also the time to ask Dr. Inglefield any questions you may have regarding the cost of breast reduction, what to expect during your recovery, and any other questions or concerns you may have.

Before and after images

Breast Reduction by London plastic surgeon Dr. Inglefield Breast Reduction by London plastic surgeon Dr. Inglefield

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Mr. Christopher Inglefield

Mr. Christopher Inglefield BSc, MBBS, FRCS(Plast) was born in Trinidad, West Indies, and obtained his Medical Degree from the University of the West Indies in Jamaica and Trinidad in 1985.

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54 Wimpole St, London W1G 8YJ

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