The onset of baldness is one of the most damaging conditions for a person’s self-image. That steadily widening bald spot on the back of your head feels like a hole that everyone can see. Luckily, there are treatments that can help.

Instead of chemical-based treatments, London Bridge Aesthetic Clinic offers an exciting new option for hair regrowth and scalp relaxation – the Jet-Hair treatment!

Jet-Hair treatment is a combination of several different treatments. It involves a Dermaroller treatment, use of a topical antioxidant, and a Jet Peel treatment.

During the Hair-Jet treatment, pressurised water and air stimulate new cell growth and reinvigorate hair follicles. This treatment features deep penetration into the scalp and vitamin infusion that helps regenerate and rejuvenate your hair!

For a Hair-Jet consultation with a skilled medical professional, contact London Bridge Plastic Surgery today!