Children should be free to change their gender without parental consent at 16 a report says.

It is unfair to make them wait until they are 18 to win legal recognition of their preferred status, MPs claim.

Transsexuals should be free to have their gender recorded as ‘X’ on their passports, the report also recommends.

Trans Britons still endure routine hostility and the proposals will help ensure they are treated more fairly, argues the Common women and equalities committee.

“Britain leads the world in recognising lesbian, gay and bisexual rights but, despite some welcome progress, we are still failing trans people in so many ways” said the committee’s chairwoman Maria Miller.

Transgender issues – highlighted in the new Eddie Redmayne film The Danish Girl – have been covered more sympathetically by the media in recent years, the committee said.

But mean while, stars such as Kellie Maloney and Caitlyn Jenner are given respect after changing sex, ordinary people still face high levels of transphobia the MPs warned.

The report says people undergoing gender reassignment suffer significant problems dealing with some NHS staff. Rude treatment is driven by lack of knowledge and understanding.

Here at LBPS, we have been looking after Transgenders for over 15 years and have the skills and experience to help patients through initial consultation all the way through to surgery. If you would like more information or would like to book a consultation, please call 0207 487 0900.

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